
Jeffrey Dahmer!
"I Only Ate The Biceps!"
"It Takes Me An Hour To Boil A Guy's Head!"


Dahmer Had His Guests For Dinner!


Confesses He Maimed And Killed 17!

This guy really loved his friends. He couldn't bear to be parted from them, so he kept their skulls on the shelf. Dahmer was a fine cannibal in the mold of the great Ed Gein, but his sex life was probably Kinkier Than Even Eddie - Now That's Kinky!.

Jeffrey kept the trophies of his deeds in His Apartment in order to be near those he loved. They were all over the place. One time his freezer broke down and the reek saturated the building, but he just told people that it was venison rotting in the broken freezer and a fish tank causing the stink. People bought it! He must have been a pretty good talker to have had as many close brushes with lawmen and not be found out.

He would pick up young men at gay bars, and bring them home to conduct unspeakable homosexual acts. Instead he would handcuff them to the bed and then do his psychotic thing. Once, after he gave a Pre-Frontal Lobotomy to his "intended", he went out for a beer, but the victim got out while Jeffie was away. He was found by three Milwaukee policemen running naked and hystericaldown the street. Since the kid spoke very poor english and had just undergone a lobotomy he couldn't f ill in the cops on what was going down. He was just 14!

Along comes Jeff with his six pack and convinces the police that the kid is his lover. Just another gayboy domestic. He told the cops, "Everybody has to be into something!!" The cops said, "We took that to mean that they were friends or had some type of relationship." "He seemed normal. He wasn't hesitant. I felt there was no problem. I believed his story." Little did those cops know, then, what Dahmer really meant by that!They released the poor guy back into the hands -of his executioner.

They actually did go into the slaughterhouse Jeff called home to see what all of the hubub was, but they failed to look around even a little. If they had looked in the next room they would have seen enough evidence to put him away forever; when they finally buste d him What They Found blew everyone's mind!

The cops were heard to laugh on the radio tape when they cleared the scene. They thought it was funny. The kid presumably wasn't laughing too hard. We wonder what he tasted like.

When they finally caught up with Dahme r he was working on another trophy, but he was only able to get the cuffs onto the guy's wrist and not also to the bedstead. The victim resolved at that moment to never let Dahmer get him cuffed to anything immovable. He pretended to cooperate and Jeff laid on top of him and "dry humped"; he whispere d, "I'm going to eat your heart."

Finally a chance to make a break for it arose and he smashed Dahmer in the face with all that he had. Running for the door he saw that there were three locks! After too many precious seconds lost in terror messing with those locks the guy got out! It was a short t ime before he returned with the cops. Testimony from this guy is Here.

Imagine what it must be like to be Dahmer's Parents! They did a nice job on their boy!

Jeffrey Dahmer said that he did it, "for my own warped, selfish desire s for self-gratification." He made His Statement to the court, but they gave him life, anyway.

Dahmer is a larger than life story, which is why there is intense interest in Dahmer's Brain, and why people are always Giving Dahmer Money!After all, you never know who lives just up the street, and what they like to have for dinner. Maybe he'll come to Your house!


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